Formerly Yale, Bell Labs, Princeton |
Activities |
Molecular theory of water and aqueous solutions; phase transitions; glass physics; geometric aspects of packing problems; energy landscape analyses of condensed-matter phenomena; fundamental aspects of quantum chemistry; molecular models for spontaneous breaking of chiral symmetry and its application to pre-biotic chemistry.
Elliott Cresson Medal, Franklin Institute, 1978.
Elected to National Academy of Sciences, 1984. Joel Hildebrand Prize, American Chemical Society, 1986. Irving Langmuir Award, American Physical Society, 1989. Regents Professorship, UCLA, 1990. Peter J. Debye Award, American Chemical Society, 1992. Onsager Medal, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Trondheim, 2002 Theoretical Chemistry Award, American Chemical Society, 2013 |
Editorial Board, Journal of Chemical Physics, 1968-1970
Editorial Board, Journal of Statistical Physics, 1969-1978
Chair, Division of Chemical Physics, American Physical Society, 1975-1976
Advisory Panel, Heat Division, National Bureau of Standards (now NIST), 1975-1978
Chairman, Gordon Conference on Water and Aqueous Solutions, 1976
Editorial Board, Physical Review A, 1978-1983
Editorial Board, Physical Review B, 1978-1982
Advisory Panel, Chemistry Division, National Science Foundation, 1980-1983
Member, New Jersey State Panel of Science Advisors, 1981-1983
National Science Foundation Supercomputer Advisory Committee Member, 1984-1986
Editorial Board, Journal of Mathematical Physics, 1984-1986
Resource Advisory Committee, North Carolina Supercomputing Center, 1992-1998
Advisory Panel, Mathematics and Physical Sciences Directorate, National Science Foundation, 1992-1994
Editorial Board, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (USA), 1998-2000
Report Review Committee, National Research Council, 2002-2007.
Member, Water Science and Technology Board, National Research Council, 2012-2015
Panel Member; Reviewer; Report Review Committee Coordinator or Monitor
"Mathematical Research in Materials Science", 1991-1993 (Panel Member)
"Mathematical Challenges from Theoretical/Computational Chemistry", 1994-1995 (Panel Chair)
"Containing the Threat from Illegal Bombings", 1996-1998 (Panel Member)
"Preserving Strength while Meeting Challenges -- Summary Report of a Workshop on Actions for the Mathematical Sciences", 1997 (Workshop Lecturer)
"Risk Assessment of Radon in Drinking Water", 1999 (Report Monitor)
"U.S. Research Institutes in the Mathematical Sciences", 1999 (Report Reviewer)
"Arsenic in Drinking Water, 2001 Update", 2001 (Report Monitor)
"Assessment of the Practicality of Pulsed Fast Neutron Analysis for Aviation Security", 2002 (Report Monitor)
"Science and the Greater Everglades Ecosystem Restoration: An Assessment of the Critical Ecosystem Initiative", 2003 (Report Monitor)
"Making the Nation Safe from Fire. A Path Forward in Research", 2003 (Report Monitor)
"NEON: Addressing the Nation's Environmental Challenges", 2003 (Report Review Coordinator)
"Advanced Energetic Materials", 2003 (Report Monitor)
"Endangered and Threatened Species in the Platte River Basin", 2004 (Report Monitor)
"California Agricultural Research Priorities: Pierce's Disease", 2004 (Report Reviewer)
"Review of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Restructured Upper Mississippi River-Illinois Waterway Feasibility Study" (second report), 2004 (Report Reviewer)
"Review of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Restructured Upper Mississippi River-Illinois Waterway Feasibility Study, Third Report", 2005 (Report Monitor)
"Drawing Louisiana's New Map", 2006 (Report Monitor)
"Progress Restoring the Everglades", 2006 (Report Monitor)
"Interim Report on Methodological Improvements to the Department of Homeland Security's Biological Agent Risk Analysis". 2006 (Report Monitor)
"Plans and Practices for Groundwater Protection at the Los Alamos National Laboratory. Final Report", 2007 (Report Monitor)
"The Mississippi River and the Clean Water Act: Progress, Challenges, and Opportunities", 2007 (Report Monitor)
"Base Map Inputs for Floodplain Mapping", 2007 (Report Monitor)
"Progress Toward Restoring the Everglades: The Second Biennial Review, 2008", 2008 (Report Monitor)
"Nutrient Control Actions for Improving Water Quality in the Mississippi River Basin and Northern Gulf of Mexico", 2008 (Report Monitor)
"Second Report from the NRC Committee on the Review of the Louisiana Coastal Protection and Restoration (LACPR) Program", 2009 (Report Monitor)
"Progress Toward Restoring the Everglades, The Third Biennial Review -- 2010", 2010 (Report Monitor)
American Physical Society (Fellow)
American Association for the Advancement of Science (Fellow)
National Academy of Sciences (elected in 1984)
Coauthor List: The following alphabetical arrangement identifies all coauthors (142) from the complete publication list, up through publication number 421. The bracketed numbers following the listed names identify the relevant coauthored publications.
Abrahams, Sidney C. [113]
Altabet, Y. Elia [387, 396, 398]
Anisimov, Mikhail A. [415]
Arrecis, Julio [198]
Atkinson, Steven
[378, 380, 388]
Bair, Harvey E.
Batten, Robert D.
[336, 339, 340, 348, 358, 359]
Ben-Naim, Arieh
[34, 44, 56, 111, 114]
Brus, Louis E.
Budzien, Joanne
L. [250]
Buff, Frank P. [1,
11, 16, 25]
Burton, Joshua [303]
Car, Roberto [374, 421]
Carter, Emily A. [383, 392, 393]
Castrillón, Santiago Romero-Vargas [364, 366]
Chaikin, Paul M. [279, 282, 293, 310]
Chakravarty, Charusita [299, 319]
Chatterjee, Swaroop [314, 315, 329]
Chen, Mohan [383, 392, 393]
Chen, Yingzi [259]
Cisse, Ibrahim [279]
Connelly, Robert
[278, 279, 280, 285, 318]
Corti, David S. [225, 231]
Cotter, Martha A. [55, 59, 62]
Crawford, Jenness [274]
David, Carl W.
[96, 108, 123]
Debenedetti, Pablo G.
[225, 231, 232, 235, 236, 237, 239, 243, 244, 246, 247, 248, 252, 253, 255,
256, 260,
262, 263, 267, 272, 273, 277, 281, 292, 296, 298, 299, 313, 314, 315, 319,
324, 325, 329, 331, 351, 356, 360, 364, 366, 368, 369, 372, 376, 379, 382, 383,
387, 389, 392, 393, 396, 398, 400, 402, 405, 406, 408, 409, 411, 412, 413, 414, 415, 418, 419, 421]
DiMarzio, Edmund A. [19, 20]
DiStasio, Robert A., Jr. [374, 377, 397]
Donev, Aleksandar
[275, 278, 279, 280, 282, 285, 288, 289, 291, 293, 294, 303, 306, 310, 312,
318, 320, 322]
Dyre, Jeppe C. [247]
Eroles, Juan M. [257]
Fan, Yizhong [194]
Feeney, Melissa R. [272]
Fenley, Andreia L. [398]
Festa, Roger R. [132]
Fredrickson, Glenn H. [161]
Frisch, Harry L. [6, 9, 14]
Fürstenberg, Sven [393]
Gay, David M. [200, 203]
Geiger, Alfons [98, 100]
Ginart, Paul [360]
Glotzer, Sharon C. [247]
Graham, Ronald L. [226, 240]
Haddon, Robert C.
[113, 119]
Hankins, David
[46, 49]
Harkless, John A.W. [222, 224]
Harris, Jonathan G. [180, 181, 184, 190, 197]
Hatch, Harold W. [351, 379]
Head-Gordon, Teresa
[198, 200, 201, 203, 204, 205, 206, 208, 209, 219]
Heeger, David [293]
Helfand, Eugene
[12, 22, 41]
Herrick, David R.
[74, 75, 78, 82, 87]
Hirshfeld, Catherine L. [208]
Hodgdon, Jennifer A. [207, 213, 214, 215, 223]
Hopkins, Adam B. [337, 344, 346, 354, 361, 363, 365, 373]
Huse, David A. [358]
Hynninen, Antti-Pekka [308]
Inati, Souheil [293]
Jiao, Yang [321, 328, 334, 338, 342, 343, 345, 349, 353, 361]
Julian, Maureen M. [131]
Kansal, Anuraag R. [268, 269]
Khan, Mohammad Navaid [400]
Kim, Jaeuk [401]
Kirkwood, John G. [2, 3, 4]
Kohen, Daniela
[233, 238, 249]
Kornegay, Robert L. [19, 24]
Kozuch, Daniel J. [402, 406, 411, 413]
Latinwo, Folarin [389, 419]
LaViolette, Randall A. [150, 153, 156, 158, 159, 160, 164, 250]
Lemberg, Howard L. [76, 77, 80, 83]
Lewis, Catherine P. [262]
Lombardo, Thomas G. [313, 341]
Longo, Thomas J. [415]
Losonczy, Miklos
[64, 69]
Lovett, Ronald A.
[25, 37, 38, 42, 192]
Lubachevsky, Boris D. [187, 195, 212, 216, 226, 240, 284]
Lynden-Bell, Ruth M. [329]
Maher, Charles Emmett [416, 417]
Man, Weining [193, 310]
Maranas, Janna K. [259]
Marcotte, Étienne [355, 357, 367, 370, 371, 374, 377]
Martis, Stephen [371]
Matysiak, Silvina [364, 366]
Middlemas, Timothy M. [403]
Moskowitz, Jules W. [46, 49, 64, 69]
Nikoubashman, Arash [419]
Panagiotopoulos, Athanassios Z. [308, 382, 383, 392, 393]
Patel, Bryan A. [324, 325, 331]
Percus, Jerome K. [194]
Petsev, Nikolai D. [414, 419]
Piaggi, Pablo M.[421]
Pinson, Elliot N. [195]
Rahman, Aneesur
[54, 57, 60, 65, 66, 67, 68, 72, 80, 92, 98, 100]
Rechtsman, Mikael C.
[297, 302, 307, 308, 317, 326, 335]
Rice, Stuart A. [242]
Ricci, Francesco [369, 376]
Roberts, Christopher J. [244, 246]
Root, Leslie J. [170, 174, 177, 182]
Rossky, Peter J. [324, 331, 364, 366]
Rudd, Walter G.
[35, 43]
Ruskai, Mary Beth
[144, 186]
Russel, William B. [293]
Sachs, David [279]
Sakai, Hajime [264, 265, 271]
Salsburg, Zevi W.
[24, 32, 35, 43, 45]
Sastry, Srikanth
[225, 231, 232, 235, 236, 237, 239, 247]
Scardicchio, Antonello [330]
Schrøder, Thomas B. [247]
Schweizer, Kenneth S. [138, 140, 141]
Shell, M. Scott
[277, 281, 296, 298]
Shen, Vincent K. [267]
Shi, Zane [356, 360, 368]
Singh, Rakesh S. [396]
Skoge, Monica [312]
Stillinger, Dorothea K.
[70, 179, 188, 189, 194, 210, 229, 252, 253, 259, 305]
Sturgeon, Kathy S. [199]
Sullivan, Matthew T. [293]
Suplinskas, Raymond J. [28]
Svensson, C. [113]
Torquato, Salvatore
[237, 239, 252, 253, 257, 261, 264, 265, 266, 268, 269, 271,
274, 275, 276, 278,
279, 280,
282, 283, 285, 286, 287, 288, 289, 291, 293, 294,
295, 297, 301, 302,
303, 304, 306, 307,
308, 309, 310, 311, 312, 316, 317, 318,
320, 321, 322, 323,
326, 327, 328, 330, 333,
334, 335, 336, 337, 338, 339, 340,
342, 343, 344, 345,
346, 348, 349, 350, 352, 353, 354, 355, 357, 358, 359, 361,
363, 365, 367, 370, 371, 373, 374, 375, 377, 378, 380, 381,
384, 385, 388, 390,
391, 394, 395, 397, 401, 403, 404, 407, 410, 416, 417, 420]
Truskett, Thomas M. [237, 239, 244, 252, 253, 257, 260, 262]
Tully, John C.
[233, 238]
Uche, Obioma U. [283, 286, 301, 309, 316]
Uralcan, Betul [415]
Utz, Marcel [248, 256]
Variano, Evan A.
Vella, Joseph R. [382, 383, 392, 393]
Wang, Haina [410, 420]
Wang, Yiming [418]
Wasserman, Zelda [94]
Washington, Gary E. [170]
Weber, Thomas A.
[71, 95, 101, 110, 115, 116, 117, 118, 120, 122, 123, 124, 125, 126, 127, 129,
133, 135,
136, 137, 139, 142, 143, 145, 146, 147, 149, 151, 154, 155, 160, 161, 163, 165,
167, 169,
176, 178, 185, 193, 211]
Weeks, John D. [217]
White, Ronald J.
[47, 50, 51, 52]
Widom, Benjamin
Wojtowicz, Peter J. [2]
Wright, Margaret H. [200, 203]
Yu, A.P. [43]
Zachary, Chase E. [333, 352]
Zerze, Gül H. [400, 405, 408, 409, 412]
Zhang, Ge [375, 381, 384, 385, 390, 391, 394, 395, 397, 401]
(1) Edmund A. DiMarzio, 1962-1963.
(2) Raymond J. Suplinskas, 1964-1965.
(3) Ronald A. Lovett, 1966-1967.
(4) Arieh Ben-Naim, 1967-1968.
(5) Ronald J. White, 1968-1970.
(6) Martha A. Cotter, 1970-1972.
(7) David R. Herrick, 1973-1975.
(8) Howard L. Lemberg, 1973-1975.
(9) Kenneth S. Schweizer, 1981-1983.
(10) Randall A. LaViolette, 1984-1986.
(11) Leslie J. Root, 1986-1988.
(12) Jonathan G. Harris, 1988-1990.
(13) Teresa Head-Gordon, 1990-1992.
(14) Jennifer A. Hodgdon, 1992-1994.
(15) Daniela L. Kohen, 1995-1997.
Talks, listed in approximately chronological order
1. Yale, Chemistry Dept., "Theory of Fused Salts".
2. M.I.T, Chemistry Dept., "Theory of Fused Salts".
3. R.C.A., "Theory of Fused Salts".
4. Bell Laboratories, "Quantum Statistics of Nonideal Systems".
5. University of Chicago, "Quantum Statistics of Nonideal Systems".
6. Chicago, A.P.S. meeting, "Remarks on Correlations in Ising Models".
7. Washington, DC. A.P.S. meeting, "Approximations in the Theory of
Dense Fluids (?)".
8. Gordon Conference, summer 1959, "Theory of Fused Salts".
9. Gordon Conference, June 1963, "Critical Phenomena".
10. Columbia University, "Double Layer Theory".
11. University of Pennsylvania, "Double Layer Theory".
12. Baltimore, A.P.S. meeting, "Gaussian Mixture".
13. Yeshiva University, "Gaussian Mixture".
14. Princeton University, "Gaussian Mixture".
15. University of Minnesota, Mar. 2, 1966, "Gaussian Mixture".
16. Mellon Institute, "Residual Ice Entropy".
17. Yeshiva University, "Rigid Disks at High Compression"
18. Yale University, "Rigid Disks at High Compression".
19. Bell Labs, Chemistry, "Rigid Disks at High Compression".
20. Bell Labs, Chemistry, "Surface Tension of Dilute Electrolytes".
21. Bell Labs, Theoretical Chemistry, "Theory of Fused Salts".
22. Bell Labs, Theoretical Chemistry, "Critique of Ornstein-Zernike
23. Bell Labs, Theoretical Physics, "Correlations in Classical Order-
Disorder Theory".
24. S.U.N.Y. Buffalo, "Cooperative Behavior in the Rigid Disk System".
25. University of Rochester, Chemistry Dept., "Compressibility
of Simple Fused Salts".
26. New York City, A.P.S. meeting, "Ising Quadruplet Spin Averages".
27. Atlantic City, A.C.S. meeting, "Double Layer Theory".
28. Gordon Conference on Fused Salts, " Fused Salt Compressibility".
29. Carnegie Tech., Mar. 11, 1966, "Crystals of Rigid Sheres".
30. Bell Labs, Theoretical Physics, Mar. 23, 1966, "Crystals of Rigid
31. Louisiana State University, Chemistry Dept., Apr. 28, 1966,
"Crystals of Rigid Spheres".
32. Rice University, Chemistry Dept., Dec. 16, 1966, "Critical Phenomena
in a Model Binary Fluid".
33. Indiana University, Chemistry Dept., Mar. 9, 1967, "Critical Phenomena
in a Model Binary Fluid".
34. Yeshiva University, Apr. 6, 1967, "Physical Clusters and Critical
35. Cornell University, Dec. 14, 1967, "Physical Cluster Theory of Critical
36. Cornell University, Dec. 14, 1967, "Ion-Pair Theory of Concentrated
37. University of Illinois, Apr. 1, 1968, "Physical Cluster Theory of Critical
38. S.U.N.Y. Albany, Dec. 17, 1968, "An Unconventional View of
39. S.U.N.Y. Stony Brook, Mar. 7, 1969, "An Unconventional View of
40. University of Pennsylvania, Chemistry Dept., April 29, 1969, "An
Unconventional View of Electrolytes".
41. Washington University, Chemistry Dept., May 8, 1969, "The Structure
of Liquid Water".
42. University of Chicago, Chemistry Dept., T.F. Young Symposium, June
16, 1969, "Structure in Liquid Water".
43. Gordon Conference, Holderness, NH, Aug. 13, 1969, "Structure in
Liquid Water".
44. National Academy of Sciences, Hanover, NH (Dartmouth University),
Oct. 15, 1969, "Structure in Liquid Water".
45. Carnegie-Mellon University, Physics Dept., May 1, 1970, "Structure in
Liquid Water".
46. University of Rochester, Chemistry Dept., May 13, 1970, "Structure in
Liquid Water".
47. Gordon Conference on Water, Tilton, NH, June 15, 1970, "Statistical
Mechanical Theory of Water".
48. A.C.S., Chicago, Harned Memorial Symposium, Sept. 13, 1970,
"Variational Principle for Electrolyte Theory".
49. A.C.S., Northeastern Section, Providence, RI, Water Symposium
organized by E. Pysh, Oct. 20, 1970, "Comments on the Quantum
Mechanical Approach to a Theory of Water Structure".
50. Yeshiva University, Statistical Mechanics Conference, Dec. 2, 1970,
"Contribution to Scaled Particle Theory" (15 min.).
51. Bell Labs, 15 seminar, Dec. 16, 1970, "Structure of Liquid Water".
52. U.C.L.A., Chemistry Dept., Feb. 8, 1971, "Structure in Liquid Water",
evening, 90 min.
53. Temple University, Physics Dept., Apr. 13, 1971, "Structure in Liquid
54. University of Maryland, College Park, Chemistry Dept., May 25, 1971,
"Structure in Liquid Water".
55. Northern Illinois University, Conference on Computers in Education
and Research, July 21, 1971, "Computer-Assisted Study of Liquid
56. Society for Cryobiology, Washington, DC, Aug. 30, 1971, "Structure
in Liquid Water".
57. A.C.S., Washington, DC, Sept. 13, 1971, "Structure in Liquid Water".
58. National Bureau of Standards, Gaithersburg, MD, Nov. 15, 1971,
"Structure in Liquid Water".
59. Columbia University, Chemistry Dept. Colloquium, Dec. 16, 1971,
"Structure in Liquid Water".
60. Yale University, Chemistry Dept., Onsager Symposium, Apr. 20, 1972,
"Molecular Structure of Liquid Water".
61. Carnegie-Mellon University, H.S. Frank Birthday Symposium, June 14,
1972, "Orientational Order in Ice".
62. Gordon Conference on Dielectrics, Proctor Academy, Andover, NH,
July 25, 1972, "Local Orientational Order in Ice".
63. Gordon Conference on Water and Aqueous Solutions, Holderness
School, Plymouth, NH, Aug. 23, 1972, "Recent Developments in
Molecular Dynamics Studies of Models for Aqueous Systems".
64. N.Y.U., Chemistry Dept., Nov. 3, 1972, "Molecular Theory of Liquid
65. University of Illinois Urbana, Chemistry Dept., Jan. 12, 1973,
"Molecular Theory of Liquid Water".
66. Bell Labs Council, Jan. 24, 1973, review of entire water project
(25 min.).
67. Australian National University, Canberra, Symposium on Equilibrium
Electrochemistry, Feb. 20, 1973, "Basic Theory of Water".
68. Australian National University, Canberra, Symposium on Equilibrium
Electrochemistry, Feb. 21, 1973, "Computer Simulation of Aqueous
69. A.P.S., San Diego, CA, Liquid State Symposium, "Theory of Water"
(45 min.).
70. University of Florida, Gainesville, Chemistry Dept., May 4, 1973,
"The Molecular Nature of Liquid Water".
71. Brookhaven National Laboratory, Chemistry Dept., June 20, 1973,
"Hydrogen Bond Topology in Liquid Water".
72. Purdue University, Chemistry Dept., Sept. 26, 1973, "Molecular
Dynamics Simulation of Liquid Water".
73. Cornell University, Chemistry Dept., Oct. 17, 1973, "Critical
Phenomena in Atomic and Molecular Quantum Theory".
74. Cornell University, Chemistry Dept., Oct. 18, 1973, "Molecular
Dynamics Study of Liquid Water".
75. Rutgers University, Chemistry Dept., Nov. 20, 1973, "Molecular
Dynamics Study of Liquid Water".
76. National Bureau of Standards, June 20, 1974, "Critical Phenomena
in Atomic and Molecular Quantum Mechanics. I.".
77. National Bureau of Standards, June 21, 1974, "Critical Phenomena
in Atomic and Molecular Quantum Mechanics. II.".
78. Gordon Conference on Water and Aqueous Solutions, Plymouth, NH,
Aug. 9, 1974, "Molecular Dynamics - Progress Report".
79. University of Minnesota, Chemistry Dept., Oct. 14, 1974, "Molecular
Structure and Properties of Liquid Water".
80. Houston Museum of Natural Sciences (sponsored by Rice University),
Welsh Foundation Lecture, Dec. 2, 1974, "Understanding Liquid Water".
81. University of Texas Medical Branch, Galveston, TX, Welsh Foundation
Lecture, Dec. 3, 1974, "Understanding Liquid Water".
82. Lamar University, Beaumont, TX, Welsh Foundation Lecture, Dec. 4,
1974, "Understanding Liquid Water".
83. Yeshiva University, Statistical Mechanics Conference, Dec. 12, 1974,
"Central Force Models for Water - Molecular Dynamics Studies".
84. University of Colorado, Boulder, CO, Chemistry Dept., Apr. 2, 1975,
"Understanding Liquid Water".
85. I.U.P.A.C., Jerusalem, Israel, July 7, 1975, "Construction and Use of
Central-Force Models for the Theory of Polyatomic Fluids".
86. Royal Society, London, England, Nov. 13, 1975, "Theoretical
Approaches to the Intermolecular Nature of Water".
87. A.C.S. (MARM), Liquids Symposium, Philadelphia, PA, Feb. 24, 1976,
"Theory for Hydrogen-Bonded Liquids".
88. SUNY Binghamton, Chemistry-Physics Joint Seminar, Mar. 15, 1976,
"Theory for Hydrogen-Bonded Liquids".
89. A.C.S., Debye Award Symposium, New York City, Apr. 7, 1976,
"Quantum Chemistry and the Eccentric Behavior of Liquid Water".
90. Princeton University, Chemistry Dept., May 5, 1976, "Simple Theory
for Hydrogen-Bonded Liquids".
91. National Bureau of Standards, Gaithersburg, MD, Oct. 7, 1976, "Study
of the Gaussian Core Model for Melting".
92. Howard University, Chemistry Dept., Oct. 8, 1976, "Molecular
Recognition and Self-Organization in Fluorinated Hydrocarbons".
93. Wesleyan University, Chemistry Dept., Oct. 22, 1976, "Molecular
Recognition and Self-Organization in Fluorinated Hydrocarbons".
94. Pennsylvania State University, Chemistry Dept., Nov. 4, 1976,
"Molecular Recognition and Self-Organization in Fluorinated
95. University of Rochester, Chemistry Dept., Dec. 1, 1976, "Molecular
Recognition and Self-Organization in Fluorinated Hydrocarbons".
96. University of Waterloo, Canada, Chemistry Dept., Feb. 22, 1977,
"Discriminating Molecular Interactions and Aggregation in Fluorinated
97. University of Delaware, Chemistry Dept., Mar. 9, 1977, "Molecular
Recognition and Self-Organization in Fluorinated Hydrocarbons".
98. National Bureau of Standards, Apr. 19, 1977, Summary lecture for
meeting "Estimation of the Properties of Fluid Mixtures".
99. Yeshiva University, Semi-annual Statistical Mechanics Meeting,
May 10, 1977, "Lattice Model for Bilayer Membrane Formation".
100. Proctor and Gamble Laboratories, Cincinnati, OH, Oct. 13, 1977,
"Recent Advances in the Theory of Water".
101. Proctor and Gamble Laboratories, Cincinnati, OH, Oct. 13, 1977,
"Molecular Recognition and Self-Organization in Fluorinated
102. U.C.S.D., La Jolla, CA, Chemistry Dept., Nov. 15, 1977, "Recent
Advances in the Theory of Water and Aqueous Solutions".
103. U.S.C., Los Angeles, CA, Chemistry Dept., Nov. 16, 1977, "Molecular
Recognition and Self-Organization in Fluorinated Hydrocarbons".
104. Rutgers University, Semi-annual Statistical Mechanics Conference,
Dec. 16, 1977, "Melting and Freezing Transitions in the Gaussian Core
105. N.Y.U., Physics Dept., Jan. 5, 1978, "Present Status of the Theory of
106. North Carolina State University, Raleigh, NC, Chemistry Dept., Mar.
20, 1978, "Molecular Recognition and Self-Organization in
Fluorinated Hydrocarbons".
107. University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, NC, Mar. 21, 1978,
"Molecular Recognition and Self-Organization in Fluorinated
108. University of Connecticut, Storrs, CT, Chemistry Dept., Apr. 5, 1978,
"Molecular Recognition and Self-Organization in Fluorinated
109. University of Missouri, Rolla, MO, Physics and Chemistry Colloquium,
May 11, 1978, "Recent Advances in the Theory of Water and Related
110. University of Colorado, Boulder, CO, American Conference on
Theoretical Chemistry, June 28, 1978, "Molecular Models for
Polarization, Distortion, and Dissociation in Condensed Phases".
111. National Bureau of Standards, Gaithersburg, MD, July 10, 1978,
"Melting, Freezing, and Variable Dimension".
112. Rutgers University, Chemistry Dept., Mar. 9, 1979, "Studies of
Melting and Freezing".
113. University of Oregon, Eugene, OR, Chemistry Dept., Apr. 23, 1979,
"Studies of Proton Chemistry with the Polarization Model".
114. A.C.S. Symposium "Water in Polymers", Washington, DC, Sept. 10,
1979, "Thermal Properties of Water in Restrictive Geometries".
115. Brown University, Chemistry Dept., Oct. 26, 1979, "Bridging
Structural Chemistry and Statistical Mechanics with the Polarization
116. A.P.S. short course, New York City Hilton Hotel, Mar. 22, 1980,
"Role of Water in Biological Systems. Structure and Function".
117. A.C.S., Houston, TX, Kendall Award Symposium for Howard Reiss,
Mar. 26, 1980, "Theory of Micelle Formation".
118. Yale University, Chemistry Dept., Apr. 15, 1980, "Theoretical
Modeling of Complex Liquids".
119. Georgia Tech., Chemistry Dept., Apr. 24, 1980, "Theoretical Modeling
of Complex Liquids".
120. Jackson State University, Chemistry Dept., Apr. 25, 1980, "Theoretical
Modeling of Complex Liquids".
121. National Bureau of Standards, May 19, 1980, "Theory of Micelle
122. Gordon Conference on Water and Aqueous Solutions, Aug. 5, 1980,
"Dissociation and Proton Transfer".
123. Boston University, Physics Dept., Oct. 8, 1980, "Statistical
Thermodynamics of Micellar Solutions".
124. Catholic University, joint Chemistry-Physics colloquium, Nov. 5, 1980,
"Statistical Thermodynamics of Micellar Solutions".
125. Tenth Annual Statistical Mechanics Meeting, Cocoyoc, Mexico, Jan. 9,
1981, "Structural Aspects of the Melting Transition".
126. University of Maryland, Chemistry Dept., Mar. 25, 1981, "Melting,
Freezing, and Hidden Structure in Liquids".
127. University of Maryland, Chemistry Dept., Distinguished Lecturer,
Mar. 26, 1981, "Theoretical Modeling for Complex Fluids".
128. Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory, Theoretical Division, Apr. 6,
1981, "Theoretical Modeling for Complex Fluids".
129. University of Illinois, Chemistry Dept., Apr. 22, 1981, "Theoretical
Modeling for Complex Fluids".
130. M.I.T., Theoretical Chemistry Seminar, May 20, 1981, "Hidden
Structure in Liquids".
131. University of Tennessee, Knoxville, Chemistry Dept., Oct. 6, 1981,
Polarization Model Studies of Gas Phase Neutralization Reactions".
132. Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Chemistry Division, Oct. 7, 1981,
"Statistical Mechanical Theory of Micelle Solutions".
133. Rutgers University, 46th Statistical Mechanics Meeting, Dec. 18, 1981,
"Statistical Mechanical Modeling for Water and Aqueous Solutions".
134. Bell Labs, 1153 Seminar, Jan. 21, 1982, "Hidden Structure in Liquids".
135. University of Texas, Austin, Chemistry Dept., Feb. 25, 1982,
"Polarization Model Studies of Gas Phase Neutralization Reactions".
136. University of Houston, TX, Chemistry Dept., Feb. 26, 1982, "Hidden
Structure in Liquids".
137. Joseph E. Mayer Symposium, West Palm Coast, FL, Mar. 10, 1982,
"Structure of the Interface Between Coexisting Fluid Phases".
138. Proctor and Gamble Laboratories, Cincinnati, OH, Mar. 12, 1982,
"Structure of the Interface Between Coexisting Fluid Phases".
139. University of California, Berkeley, Chemistry Dept., May 18, 1982,
"Polarization Model Studies of Gas Phase Neutralization Reactions".
140. VI International Conference on Physics and Chemistry of Ice, Rolla,
MO, Aug. 6, 1982, "Ice Under Pressure: Transition to Symmetrical
Hydrogen Bonds".
141. Gordon Conference on Water and Aqueous Solutions, Holderness
School, Plymouth, NH, Aug. 10, 1982, "Field Theory of Micelles".
142. Columbia University, Chemistry Dept., Oct. 7, 1982, "Field Theory
of Micelles".
143. Harvard University, Chemistry Dept., Nov. 10, 1982, "Field Theory
of Micelles".
144. 48th Statistical Mechanics Meeting, Rutgers University, Dec. 17, 1982,
"Variational Field Theory for Micelles and Membranes".
145. Lehigh University, Chemistry Dept., Jan. 19, 1983, "Field Theory for
Micelles and Membranes".
146. Hildebrand Award Symposium (for Jiri Jonas), A.C.S. meeting, Seattle,
WA, Mar. 23, 1983, "Inherent Structure and Dynamics in Liquids".
147. University of Rochester, Chemistry Dept., Apr. 18, 1983, "Multiple
Isomerism in Liquids and Amorphous Solids".
148. University of Wisconsin, Chemistry Dept., Sept. 13, 1983, "Inherent
Structure in Liquids".
149. 50th Semiannual Statistical Mechanics Meeting, Rutgers University,
Dec. 16, 1983, "Molecular Packings and the Dynamics of their
150. University of Chicago, Chemistry Dept., Jan. 23, 1984, "Molecular
Packings and Their Interconversions in Liquids and Solids".
151. University of Oklahoma, Chemistry Dept., Karcher Lecture, Mar. 1,
1984, "Molecular Packings and Their Interconversions in Liquids
and Solids".
152. University of California, Davis, Conference on Statistical Mechanics,
Mar. 29, 1984, "Melting, Freezing, and Glass Transitions".
153. Yale University, Chemistry Dept., Trumbull Lecture I, Apr. 6, 1984,
"Inherent Structure and Dynamics in Liquids and Solids".
154. A.C.S., St. Louis, MO, Langmuir Award Symposium (for Robert
Zwanzig), Apr. 9, 1984, "Molecular Packings and Their
Interconversions in Liquids and Solids".
155. Yale University, Chemistry Dept., Trumbull Lecture II, Apr. 13,
1984, "Phase Transitions and How to Avoid Them".
156. Yale University, Chemistry Dept., Trumbull Lecture III, Apr. 20,
1984, "Rate Processes in Condensed Phases".
157. Yale University, Chemistry Dept., Trumbull Lecture IV, Apr. 27, 1984,
"Hydrogen Bond Structure in Aqueous Media".
158. Fifth American Conference on Theoretical Chemistry, Jackson Lake
Lodge, Grand Teton National Park, WY, June 19, 1984, "Isomeric
Packing Theory for Condensed-Matter Structure and Dynamics".
159. University of Pennsylvania, Chemistry Dept., Oct. 4, 1984, "Structure,
Kinetics, and Phase Transitions in Condensed Matter".
160. Rahman Festschrift, Argonne National Laboratory, Nov. 13, 1984,
"Particle Packings and the Properties of Condensed Phases".
161. National Bureau of Standards, Gaithersburg, MD, Jan. 17, 1985,
"Inherent Structures and Their Dynamics in Condensed Phases".
162. U.C.L.A., Chemistry Dept., Feb. 4, 1985, "Physical Chemistry of
Liquids and Solids Freed from the Tyranny of Three-Dimensional
163. A.P.S., Baltimore, MD, Div. of Chem. Phys. Symposium on Order
and Disorder in Condensed Systems, Mar. 26, 1985, "A Configuration-
Space View of Many-Body Structure and Dynamics".
164. NSF Workshop on Supercomputers in Chemistry, Arden House,
Harriman, NY, Apr. 26, 1985, "Patterns of Order in Condensed Matter
and Their Image Enhancement by Computer".
165. A.C.S., Miami Beach, FL, C.A. Angell's glass symposium, Apr. 29,
1985, "Supercooling and Vitrification as Challenges to Statistical
166. A.C.S., Miami Beach, FL, Hildebrand Award Symposium (for Berni
Alder), Apr. 30, 1985, "Hard-Sphere Models and the Inherent Structure
in Liquids".
167. Princeton University, Chemistry Dept., May 9, 1985, "Understanding
Molecular Order and Kinetics in Liquids, Crystals, and Glasses from a
Multidimensional Viewpoint".
168. Gordon Conference on Liquids, Holderness School, Plymouth, NH,
Aug. 23, 1985, "Topographics of Potential Energy Hypersurfaces and
Their Implications for Liquids".
169. A.C.S., Chicago, Interface Symposium, Sept. 9, 1985, "Inherent
Structure Theory Applied to Surfaces".
170. University of Michigan, Chemistry Dept., Sept. 19, 1985, "Molecular
Order and Kinetics in Liquids, Crystals, and Glasses: A
Multidimensional Perspective".
171. University of Maryland, Institute for Physical Science and Technology,
Nov. 5, 1985, "A Square Model for Glasses".
172. University of Maryland, Physics Dept., Nov. 5, 1985, "Molecular
Order and Kinetics in Liquids, Crystals, and Glasses: A
Multidimensional Perspective".
173. New York Academy of Sciences, Glass Symposium, Dec. 1, 1985,
"Statistical Mechanical Modeling for the Glass Transition".
174. 54th Semiannual Statistical Mechanics Meeting, Rutgers University,
Dec. 19, 1985, "A Model for Supercooling and Glass Formation".
175. Stanford University, Chemistry Dept., Jan. 9, 1986, "Inherent
Structure Concepts for Liquids and Their Application to Chemical
176. University of Nebraska, Chemistry Dept., Washburn Memorial Lecture,
Jan. 31, 1986, "Inherent Structures in Liquids: Implications for
Chemistry and Materials Science".
177. Michigan State University, Physics Dept., Feb. 10, 1986, "Tiling,
Prime Numbers, and the Glass Transition".
178. Bell Labs, informal theoretical physics seminar, Feb. 24, 1986, "A
Simple Model for Glass Formation".
179. Boston College, Chemistry Dept., Mar. 13, 1986, "Structure and
Dynamics in Complex Reactive Liquids: A Realistic Model for
180. U.C. Davis, Statistical Mechanics Conference, Mar. 28, 1986,
"A Tiling Model for Supercooling and Glass Formation".
181. A.C.S., New York City, Hildebrand Award Lecture (to F.H.S.),
Apr. 16, 1986, "Theory for Structured and Reactive Liquids:
Application to Sulfur".
182. University of Delaware, Physics Dept., May 7, 1986, "A Tiling
Model for Supercooling and Glass Formation".
183. STATPHYS 16, Boston University, Aug. 12, 1986, "Kinetics in
Chemically Reactive Liquids".
184. University of Minnesota, Chemistry Dept., Oct. 20, 1986, "Kinetic
Theory for Chemically Reactive Liquids, with Application to
185. Alabama A.&M. University, Physics Dept., Oct. 30, 1986,
"Inherent Structure Theory of Liquids and Other Amorphous
186. Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Chemistry Dept., Nov. 13, 1986,
"Pure Theory and Impure Computation for a Reactive Liquid:
187. University of Indiana, Chemistry Dept., Gucker Lecture, Jan. 29, 1987,
"Order in the Face of Chaos: Inherent Structures in Dense and Reactive
188. University of Iowa, Chemistry Dept., Feb. 26, 1987, "Inherent
Structure Theory for Static and Dynamic Properties of Liquids and
Amorphous Solids".
189. A.C.S., Denver, CO, Hildebrand Award Symposium (to Stuart Rice),
Apr. 6, 1987, "Random Particle Packings and the Liquid State".
190. A.C.S., Denver, CO, Supercomputers in Chemistry Symposium, Apr. 7,
1987, "Molecular Dynamics with Nonadditive Interactions".
191. Institute for Theoretical Physics, U.C. Santa Barbara, CA, June 16,
1987, "Kinetics in Glasses and Liquids from a Multidimensional
Geometric Point of View".
192. University of Minnesota, Mathematics Dept., Institute for Mathematics
and its Applications, June 29, 1987, "Collective Phenomena in
Statistical Mechanics and the Geometry of Potential Energy
Hypersurfaces. I. Basic Concepts".
193. University of Minnesota, Mathematics Dept., Institute for Mathematics
and Its Applications, June 30, 1987, "Collective Phenomena in
Statistical Mechanics and the Geometry of Potential Energy
Hypersurfaces. II. Phase Transitions".
194. University of Minnesota, Mathematics Dept., Institute for Mathematics
and its Applications, July 1, 1987, "Collective Phenomena in Statistical
Mechanics and the Geometry of Potential Energy Hypersurfaces.III.
Rate Processes".
195. A.C.S., New Orleans, LA, Symposium on Phase Transitions and
and Disordered States of Matter, Sept. 2, 1987, "Ising-Like Adsorption
Models for Inherent Structure in Condensed Phases".
196. Carnegie-Mellon University, Chemistry Dept., Oct. 8, 1987,
"Statistical Mechanics of Supercooled Liquids and Glasses".
197. Pennsylvania State University, Chemistry Dept., Nov. 5, 1987,
"Supercooling, Glass Transitions, and Amorphous Solids".
198. U.C.L.A., Chemistry Dept., Nov. 9, 1987, "Supercooling, Glass
Formation, and the Kauzmann Paradox".
199. Bell Labs, Division 115 seminar, Jan. 28, 1988, "Inherent Structures
Representation for Condensed Matter Phenomena".
200. University of Houston, Chemistry Dept., Feb. 10, 1988, "Inherent
Structures Representation for Condensed Matter Phenomena".
201. University of Texas, Austin, Chemistry Dept., W.A. Noyes Lecture,
Feb. 11, 1988, "Inherent Structures Representation for Condensed
Matter Phenomena".
202. 3rd U.C. Davis Conference on Statistical Mechanics, Mar. 30, 1988,
"Unified Approach to Understanding Molecular Glasses".
203. University of Illinois, Urbana, IL, Chemistry Dept., Sept. 14, 1988,
"Inherent Structures in Stable and Supercooled Liquids".
204. Washington University, St. Louis, MO, Chemistry Dept., Oct. 13, 1988,
"Inherent Structures in Stable and Supercooled Liquids".
205. International Symposium on Fluctuation and Relaxation in Condensed
Phase, Kyoto, Japan, Nov. 7, 1988, "Structural Fluctuations and
Nucleation in Supercooled Liquids".
206. University of Maryland, Institute for Physical Science and Technology,
Zwanzig Festschrift Symposium, Nov. 18, 1988, "Fragile Glasses and
Crystal Nucleation".
207. Harvard-M.I.T. Joint Physical Chemistry Seminar, Feb. 9, 1989,
"Potential Energy Hypersurfaces and Their Role in Glass Formation".
208. A.P.S. meeting, St. Louis, MO, Irving Langmuir Prize Lecture (to
F.H.S.), Mar. 21, 1989, "Glass Relaxation and the Cartography of
Potential Energy Hypersurfaces".
209. Los Alamos National Laboratory, Theoretical Physics Division,
June 2, 1989, "Relaxation Behavior in Atomic and Molecular
210. M.I.T., 60th Birthday Symposium for Irwin Oppenheim, June 23, 1989,
"The Kauzmann Paradox".
211. General Electric Corporate R&D Center, Schenectady, NY, Oct. 3,
1989, "Inherent Structures in Condensed Phases".
212. Rutgers Statistical Mechanics Conference, Dec. 14, 1989, "A Toy
Model for Crystallization".
213. U.C.L.A., Chemistry Dept., Regents Lecture, Jan. 8, 1990, "Metastable
States of Matter. I. Introduction and Survey".
214. U.C.L.A., Chemistry Dept., Regents Lecture, Jan. 10, 1990,
"II. Metastable States of Water".
215. U.C.L.A., Chemistry Dept., Regents Lecture, Jan. 16, 1990, "III. The
Glass State (Part 1)".
216. U.C.L.A., Chemistry Dept., Regents Lecture, Jan. 17, 1990, "IV. The
Glass State (Part 2)".
217. U.C.L.A., Chemical Engineering Dept., Regents Lecture, Jan. 24, 1990,
"V. Clusters and Droplets".
218. U.C.L.A., Chemistry Dept., Regents Lecture, Jan. 26, 1990, "VI.
219. University of Chicago, Physical Chemistry Seminar, Mar. 7, 1990,
"Some Recent Thoughts About Inherent Structures in Liquids".
220. University of Illinois, Chicago, Chemistry Dept., Mar. 8, 1990,
"Transition Dynamics in 55-Atom Clusters".
221. N.Y.U., Courant Institute, Mar. 27, 1990, "Condensed Matter
Phenomena from the Inherent Structures' Viewpoint".
222. Ohio State University, Chemistry Dept., first of two Meek Industrial
Lectures, May 7, 1990, "Cluster Dynamics from the Inherent Structure
223. Ohio State University, Chemistry Dept., second of two Meek
Industrial Lectures, Mat 8, 1990, "Science in the Next Century".
224. Santa Fe Institute, May 21, 1990, "Nonlinear Optimization Strategies
for the Protein Folding Problem".
225. A.T.&T. Bell Labs, lunchtime lecture for summer students, June 26,
1990, "Science in the Next Century".
226. Rutgers University, Hill Center, H.L. Frisch Symposium, Dec. 19,
1990, "Irregular Disk and Sphere Packings".
227. University of Maryland, Institute for Physical Science and
Technology, Feb. 19, 1991, "A Theoretical View of the Protein
Folding Problem".
228. A.P.S., Cincinnati, OH, Mar. 18, 1991, "Planck's Constant Expansions
for Atomic and Molecular Eigenstates".
229. Columbia University, Chemistry Dept., Apr. 4, 1991, "A Theoretical
View of the Protein Folding Problem".
230. McGill University, Canada, Center for the Physics of Materials, Apr.
11, 1991, "Condensed Matter Phenomena from the 'Inherent Structures'
231. Howard University, Chemistry Dept., Apr. 19, 1991, Inherent
Structures in Liquids".
232. Bell Labs, Condensed Matter Seminar, May 8, 1991, "The Inherent
Structures' Description of Condensed Matter Phenomena".
233. Bilateral Workshop (NAS-ASUSSR) on Proteins and Glasses,
Chernogolovka, Russia, June 6, 1991, "Potential Energy Hypersurfaces
and Relaxations in Proteins and Glasses".
234. Boston University, Physics Colloquium, Oct. 2, 1991, A Physicist's
View of the Protein Folding Problem".
235. N.I.H., Bethesda, MD, Dec. 5, 1991, "Theoretical Aspects of the
Protein Folding Problem".
236. Bell Labs, Division 115 Seminar, Feb. 6, 1992, "A Theoretical Assault
on the Liquid Water Problem".
237. Florida State University, Joint Physical Chemistry and Biochemistry
Seminar, Mar. 5, 1992, "Theoretical Aspects of the Protein Folding
238. Florida State University, Chemistry Dept. seminar, Mar. 6, 1992,
"Understanding the Peculiar Nature of Water".
239. A.P.S., Indianapolis (talk K17 1, 10 min.), Mar. 18, 1992, "An
Orientational Perturbation Theory for Water".
240. University of Wisconsin, Chemistry Dept., McElvain Lecture, Mar. 24,
1992, "Toward a Theory of Liquid Water".
241. A.C.S., San Francisco, Debye Award Lecture (to F.H.S.), Apr. 7, 1992,
"Toward a Rational Theory of Liquid Water".
242. Barnard-Columbia Physics Colloquium, Sept. 18, 1992, "Inherent
Structures in Liquids".
243. University of Chicago, Chemistry Dept., 60th BirthdaySymposium for
Stuart Rice, Sept. 24, 1992, "A Toy Model for Protein Folding".
244. University of Michigan, Dept. of Chemistry, Gomberg Lecture, Oct. 13,
1992, "Liquid Water: What is It?".
245. Carnegie-Mellon University, Physics Dept., Nov. 30, 1992, "Some
Examples of Two-Dimensional Melting".
246. Carnegie-Mellon University, Physics Dept. Colloquium, Nov. 30,
1992, "A Toy Model for Protein Folding".
247. Rutgers University, Physics Colloquium, Dec. 9, 1992, "Inherent
Structures in Liquids and Glasses".
248. University of North Carolina, Chemistry Dept., Mar. 4, 1993, "A Toy
Model for Protein Folding".
249. A.P.S., Seattle, WA (talk R20 4, 10 min.), Mar. 26, 1993, "Phase
Transitions in a Dimer Buckling Model for Si(001)".
250. A.T.&T. Bell Labs, Solid State Physics Seminar, Apr. 16, 1993, "Toy
Model for Protein Folding".
251. 69th Semiannual Statistical Mechanics Meeting, Rutgers University,
25 min. invited talk, May 6, 1993, "Inherent Structures in Liquids and
252. 8th American Conference on Theoretical Chemistry, University of
Rochester, June 29, 1993, "A Toy Model for Protein Folding".
253. A.C.S., Chicago, Aug. 24, 1993, "Lessons from a Toy Model for
Protein Folding".
254. Benjamin Levich Institute, CUNY, Nov. 30, 1993, "Molecular
Structure and Motion in Glass-Forming Liquids".
255. A.P.S., Pittsburg, PA, Mar. 21, 1994, "Equilibrium Concentration of
Point Defects in Crystalline 4He at 0K".
256. A.P.S., Pittsburg, PA, Mar. 23, 1994, "Weak Crystallization in the
Gaussian Core System".
257. SIAM (Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics), San Diego,
CA, July 27, 1994, "Sobering Lessons from a Simple Protein Folding
258. NIST Workshop on Glasses, Stevensville, MD, Feb. 16, 1995,
"Inherent Structures Representation for Supercooled Liquids and Their
Glass Transitions".
259. A.P.S., San Jose, CA, Mar. 23, 1995, "Statistical Mechanics of
Metastable Matter. Superheated and Stretched Liquids".
260. A.C.S., Anaheim, CA, Apr. 4, 1995, " Mathematical Challenges from
Theoretical/Computational Chemistry".
261. Princeton Materials Institute, Workshop on Computational Modeling
of Materials, May 9, 1995, "Modeling Amorphous Materials and Their
Physical and Chemical Transformations".
262. 73rd Semiannual Statistical Mechanics Meeting, Rutgers University,
May 11, 1995, "Statistical Mechanics for Metastable Matter".
263. Institute for Mathematics and its Applications, University of
Minnesota, Sept. 22, 1995, "Sphere Packing Phenomena: From the
Obvious to the Puzzling".
264. Institute for Mathematics and its Applications, University of
Minnesota, Sept. 22, 1995, "Superheated, Supercooled, and Stretched
265. University of Illinois, Urbana, Chemistry Dept., Sept. 25, 1995,
"Living in a Metastable World: Superheated, Supercooled, and
Stretched Matter".
266. University of California, Berkeley, Ninth Annual Pitzer Lecture,
Chemistry Dept., Mar. 12, 1996, "Superheated, Supercooled, and
Stretched Matter".
267. Courant Institute, N.Y.U., Mar. 29, 1996, "Rugged Potential Energy
Landscapes and Their Role in Condensed Matter Phenomena".
268. American Ceramic Society, Indianapolis, Amorphization Mechanisms
Symposium, Apr. 15, 1996, "Diffusion, Viscosity, and Rugged
269. Wesleyan University, Chemistry Dept., 1996 Leermakers Symposium
honoring John A. Pople, May 7, 1996, "Inherent Structures in Liquids
and Solids".
270. Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory, Landscape Paradigm Workshop,
May 13, 1996, "Interaction Potentials and Inherent Structures in
Liquids, Glasses, and Crystals".
271. National Research Council, Board on Mathematical Sciences
Workshop: Actions for the Mathematical Sciences in the Changed
Environment, Alexandria, VA, May 17, 1996, "Physical Scientists are
from Mars, Mathematicians are from Venus; How on Earth can We
272. A.C.S., Orlando, FL, Supercooled Liquids Symposium, Aug. 26, 1996,
"Shear Viscosity and Diffusion in Supercooled Liquids".
273. Boston College, Chemistry Dept., Mar. 20, 1997, "Living in a
Metastable World: A Theoretical Perspective".
274. N.I.S.T., Ray Mountain 60th Birthday Symposium, Apr. 10, 1997,
"Inherent Structures and Condensed Matter Phenomena".
275. University of Pennsylvania, Center for Molecular Modeling, May 19,
1997, "Metastable States of Condensed Matter".
276. Gordon Conference on Chemistry and Physics of Liquids, Holderness
School, Plymouth, NH, Aug. 5, 1997, "Tutorial on Rugged Potential
Energy Landscapes and Inherent Structures".
277. N.I.S.T, Gaithersburg, MD, E.A. DiMarzio 65th Birthday Symposium,
Nov. 6, 1997, "Some Remarks about Glass Transitions".
278. Princeton Materials Institute, Princeton University, Dec. 3, 1997,
"Supercooling and Glass Formation".
279. Rutgers Statistical Mechanics Meeting, Widom and Kadanoff
birthdays (70 and 60, respectively), Dec. 15, 1997, "Hijacking Solid
State Concepts for Liquids".
280. A.P.S., Los Angeles, CA, Water Symposium, Mar. 17, 1998,
"Resolving Vibrational and Inherent Structural Contributions to
Water Properties".
281. A.P.S., Los Angeles, CA, Rugged Energy Landscapes Symposium,
Mar. 17, 1998, "Insights and Predictions for Liquids from the
Inherent Structure Viewpoint".
282. University of Chicago, Chemistry Dept. Colloquium, May 11, 1998,
"Insights and Predictions for Liquids from the Inherent Structure
283. West Coast Theoretical Chemistry Conference (WCTCC98), P.N.N.L.,
Richland, WA, June 22, 1998, "The 'Rugged Landscape' View of
Condensed Matter Interactions and Statistical Mechanics".
284. Gordon Conference on Water and Aqueous Solutions, Holderness
School, Plymouth, NH, Aug. 6, 1998, "Imagination, Hallucination,
Obsession, and Water Science".
285. A.C.S. National Meeting, Boston, MA, 20th Anniversary Symposium
for the Theoretical Chemistry Subdivision, Aug. 27, 1998, "The
Inherent Structures Approach as an Interpretive Tool for Condensed
Matter Theory".
286. 81st Semiannual Statistical Mechanics Meeting, Rutgers University,
H.L. Frisch 70th Birthday Symposium, Dec. 15, 1998, "Hard
Particles, Hard Problems".
287. National Research Council, Academy-Industry Program Forum,
entitled: How Much Can We Rely on Mathematical Modeling?, at
NAS building, May 10, 1999, "Mathematical Modeling in the Physical
Sciences: Triumphs and Pitfalls".
288. Gordon Conference on Chemistry and Physics of Liquids, Holderness
School, Plymouth, NH, Aug. 3, 1999, "Tutorial on Fundamental
Concepts, Strategies, and Terminology in Liquids Science".
289. A.C.S. National Meeting, New Orleans, LA, Water and Water Clusters
Symposium, Aug. 22, 1999, "Water Anomalies Analyzed from the
'Rugged Potential Landscape" Viewpoint".
290. University of California, Berkeley, Pitzer Memorial Symposium on
Theoretical Chemistry, Jan. 12, 2000, "Inherent Structures and Their
291. AAAS Annual Meeting, Washington, DC, Symposium entitled:
The Role of Water for Life in Precarious Circumstances, Feb. 19,
2000, "Introductory Remarks".
292. N.I.S.T., Center for Theoretical and Computational Materials
Science, Gaithersburg, MD, Feb. 24, 2000, "Inherent Structures
and Their Excitations".
293. A.P.S., Minneapolis, MN, Mar. 24, 2000, "Møller-Plesset
Convergence Issues in Computational Quantum Chemistry".
294. A.C.S., San Francisco, CA, Mar. 28, 2000, "Multidimensional
Potential Surface for Water and Its Implications".
295. Columbia University, Chemistry Dept., B.J. Berne 60th
Festschrift, June 2, 2000, "Molecular Dynamics and the Electron
Correlation Problem".
296. NORM 2000 (regional A.C.S. meeting), Idaho Falls, ID, June 16,
2000, "Coupling Constant Singularities in Møller-Plesset Theory
for Atoms and Molecules".
297. Pennsylvania State University, Chemical Engineering Dept., Nov.
28, 2000, " Glasses, the Third Law of Thermodynamics, and the
Kauzmann Paradox".
298. Princeton University, Chemical Engineering Dept., Dec. 1, 2000,
"Weird Science: The Gaussian Core Model".
299. Princeton University, Chemistry Dept., Dec. 7, 2000, "Glasses, the
Third Law of Thermodynamics, and the Kauzmann Paradox".
300. A.C.S., San Diego, CA, a Karplus award session, Apr. 1, 2001,
"Strip-Mining the Energy Landscape for Physical Insights".
301. Princeton University, Chemical Engineering Dept., Oct. 25, 2001,
"Computational Sampling of Landscapes".
302. 87th Semiannual Statistical Mechanics Conference, Rutgers
University, May 19, 2002, "Unusual Properties of the Classical
Gaussian Core Model".
303. Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU),
Trondheim, Norway, 2002 Onsager Lecture, Sept. 19, 2002,
"Polymers, Gaussian Core Model Dualities, and Inverse Melting".
304. CUNY, Physics Dept., Oct. 30, 2002, "Polymers, the Gaussian Core
Model, and Inverse Melting".
305. 88th Semiannual Statistical Mechanics Meeting, Rutgers University,
Dec. 16, 2002, "Inverse Melting".
306. Princeton University, Chemistry Dept., Water Festival, Jan. 6, 2003,
"Multidimensional Potential Energy Landscape for Water, and Its
307. University of Kansas, Chemistry Dept., Apr. 4, 2003, "Glasses,
Inverse Melting, and Protein Unfolding".
308. Yale University, Chemistry Dept., Onsager 100th Birthday
Symposium, Dec. 5, 2003, "Inverse Melting and the Onsager
309. SUNY, Stony Brook, Chemistry Dept., George Stell's Retirement
Symposium, Apr. 24, 2004, "Hard Sphere Packing Properties and
310. 91st Semiannual Statistical Mechanics Conference, Rutgers
University, May 16, 2004, "Pair Correlation Function Realizability
311. University of California, Berkeley, David Chandler 60th Birthday
Statistical Mechanics Meeting, Jan. 8, 2005, "Potentials, Structures,
and Self Assembly".
312. Honolulu, HI, Pacifichem 2005, Dec. 19, 2005, "Inherent Structure
View of Interface Properties".
313. University of California, Berkeley, 2006 Mini Statistical Mechanics
Meeting, Jan. 15, 2006, "Hard Sphere Pair Correlation Via Scaled
Particle Theory".
314. Yale University, Mechanical Engineering Dept., Apr. 5, 2006,
"Inventing Particle Interactions for Targeted Self-Assembly".
315. Boston University, Chemistry Dept., Dec. 13, 2006, "Inventing
Particle Interactions for Targeted Self-Assembly".
316. Princeton University, PCTS Workshop: Packing Problems, Classical
Ground States, and Glasses, Apr. 12, 2007, "Configurational
Polytopes Near the Jamming Limit".
317. 101st Semiannual Statistical Mechanics Conference, Rutgers
University, May 10, 2009, "Modeling Prebiotic Appearance of
Biological Chirality".
318. Faraday Discussion 146, Richmond, VA, Apr. 14, 2010, "Concluding
319. A.C.S., 240th National Meeting, Boston, MA, 70th Birthday
Symposium for Bruce Berne, Aug. 23, 2010, "Microscopic Kinetic
Model Exhibiting Chiral Symmetry Breaking".
320. Princeton University, PCTS Workshop: Toward Unifying Concepts in
the Physics of Aperiodic Systems, Oct. 15, 2011, "Glass Transition
'Issues' ".
321. A.C.S., New Orleans, LA, Awards Symposium (Theoretical Chemistry
Award to F.H.S.), Apr. 9, 2013, "Symmetry Breaking Models for
Pre-Biotic Environments".
322. Mt. Hood, OR, FOMMS (Foundations of Molecular Modeling and
Simulation) 2015 Meeting, July 22, 2015, Keynote Address, "Chiral
Symmetry Breaking via Computer Simulation".
323. 115th Semiannual Statistical Mechanics Conference, Rutgers
University, May 8, 2016, "Molecular Model for Chiral Symmetry
324. A.C.S., San Francisco, CA, Hildebrand Award Symposium (for S.
Torquato), Apr. 3, 2017, "Hard Spheres Under Gravity".
325. A.C.S., Washington, DC, Benjamin Widom's 90th Birthday
Symposium, Aug. 20, 2017, "Chiral Symmetry Breaking in Isotropic
326. Washington University, St. Louis, MO, 53rd Joseph W. Kennedy
Lecture (first of two), May 3, 2018, "Metastable States of Water: A
'Landscape' View".
327. Washington University, St. Louis, MO, 53rd Joseph W. Kennedy
Lecture (second of two), May 4, 2018, "Spontaneous Chiral Symmetry
Breaking in Liquids".
B.S. in Chemistry (summa cum laude, Phi Beta Kappa), University of Rochester, 1955.
Ph.D. in Theoretical Chemistry, Yale University, 1958
NFS Postdoctoral Fellow, Yale University, 1958-1959
Member of Technical Staff, Bell Laboratories, 1959-2000
Head, Chemical Physics Research Department, Bell Laboratories, 1976-1978
Technical Staff, Agere Systems at Bell Laboratories, 2000-2001
Visiting Research Collaborator and Senior Scientist, Princeton University, 1996-present
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