The Lars Onsager Lecture and The Lars Onsager Professorship

Picture of Lars Onsager

Lars Onsager (1903-1976)
Norwegian-American chemist and physicist. Born in Oslo, Ch.E. degree from Norges Tekniske Høiskole, Trondheim, in 1925. Emigrated to the USA in 1928 and became an American citizen in 1945. J. Willard Gibbs Professor at Yale University. Received the 1968 Nobel Prize in Chemistry for work done in 1931 on irreversible thermodynamics. (Biographical note).

5. Sep 2002

The Onsager Lecture 2002 will take place on September 19th, abstract and details are available here

1. Feb 2002

Please send proposals for candidates for the Onsager professorship (regulations) and the Onsager Lecturer (regulations) for 2003 to Prof. Helge Holden, Institutt for matematiske fag.
Deadline: April 15, 2002.

The Onsager medal
The Onsager medal

Thanks to the generosity of Lars Onsager's sons and daughter, the Norwegian University of Science and Technology has established a Lars Onsager archive located at Universitetsbiblioteket/Gunnerus Library in Trondheim.

A general reference to the scientific works of Lars Onsager is

The Collected Works of Lars Onsager (With Commentary)
(P.C. Hemmer, H. Holden, S.K. Ratkje, editors)
World Scientific, Singapore 1996
Present Onsager Professor and Lecturer

The Lars Onsager Lecture
The Faculty of Natural Sciences and Technology and the Faculty of Information Technology, Mathematics, and Electrical Engineering sponsor the annual Lars Onsager Lecture.

Previous recipients are:

Regulations for the Lars Onsager Lecture (in Norwegian).
The Lars Onsager Professorship
The Norwegian Company Norsk Hydro sponsors the annual Lars Onsager Professorship. The recipient is to spend 3-6 months at NTNU to collaborate with scientists here.

Previous recipients are:

Regulations for the Lars Onsager Professorship (in Norwegian).

The Lars Onsager Lecture and the Lars Onsager Professorship are awarded by the Onsager committee which consists of

Both the Lecturer and the Professor receive the Onsager medal.

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